Guest Post: Clarity
Temperatures have dropped. The chill of fall is in the air. That means it’s time to have the heavier clothing close at hand. Do you know what’s in your closet? Well now is the time (if it’s not done already) to have Garde Robe transition out the summer suits and sundresses for sweater weather pieces. Off season clothing should not occupy prime real estate in your closet. I’m Jodi Starr, Professional Organizer and Founder of the NYC-based organizing business, Clarity. Below I offer a sneak peek, 3 step guide to get you ready and set up for the new season. I know firsthand that a packed and overly cluttered closet (or space) creates stress; there’s science behind that! So let’s get started and experience the Clarity way…..Declutter. Organize. Breathe.
Step 1: Review
Have Clarity take out all your summer clothing and accessories from drawers and closet to take inventory. During this process with Clarity, I ask the following:
- Does it look good on you?
- Is it solely worn in summer?
- Is it still in good condition?
- Does it need cleaning?
While step 1 can be a daunting task, it is quite effective and allows one to take that fresh step forward.
Clarity’s go-to solution for more closet space is Garde Robe, the virtual closet…..
Step 2: Edit
What doesn’t work, doesn’t stay. The question I asks my clients is: ‘would you like the item or the closet space?’. Then Garde Robe will take care of storing it all until you need it again.
Step 3: Organize
This step is different for each person and their lifestyle. Clarity will customize YOUR closet YOUR way so everything has a place and is easy to access. The end goal is to be functional and look beautiful!
For more information, visit Jodi at or on Instagram @clarity_jodi